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Turners at Denis workshop
HomeLearn to Turn


Whether you'd like to have some FREE 1-on-1 help with your turning techniques, tool sharpening, processing logs to turning blanks, or learn to turn a particular kind of item, our Mentors are here to help. Mentoring can be in your shop or in the Mentor's shop on a schedule that suits you both. Everyone participating in the Mentor program must be a member of MMWTC. Our Mentor Coordinator can help you find someone with the skills and experience to start you down your path to success.

Turning 1


About once a month, MMWTC hosts a project-specific Skill Building Workshop in a small-class setting in the 8-lathe shop of a club member in Purcellville, VA. These workshops are especially helpful for new turners, but the topic/project may also be of interest to experienced turners. Workshops may be 1/2-day or longer. For a modest fee turning blanks, lathe, lathe chuck, drive & tailstock centers, a sharpening station and other essential lathe accessories are provided. Participants should provide their own turning tools, but some loaner tools may be available. Lunch is available from nearby take-out restaurants at the student's expense, or pack a brown bag. Skill Building Workshops are a great way to learn and a great way to make new friends who share your interests. Participants must be members of MMWTC. For more information, look for Saturday events on our Event Calendar or contact our Skill-Building Workshop Coordinator.

Colored Rimmed Bowl on Lathe


Our Program Director schedules a mix of demonstrations by local-area turners, club members, and nationally-recognized professionals. We strive for live, in-person demonstrators at all meetings but occasionally we schedule an IRD (Interactive Remote Demo via Zoom) with a well-known turner who does not travel. The monthly meetings are mostly about the turning demonstration. These are up-close and personal opportunities to watch and learn project planning, material preparation and tool techniques used to produce a finished piece. Demonstrators typically pass their special tools and samples around the audience for closer inspection, and answer questions on the fly. Demonstrations are displayed live on a large-screen TV so every seat in the house is a good seat. You are welcome to attend a meeting as our guest to see if we'd be a good fit for your interests. Look for Wednesday events on our Event Calendar for more details.

Turning a Bowl 2


Periodically, we schedule workshops conducted by woodturners with a national ... even world-wide ... reputation. These workshops are usually day-long workshops, but occasionally multi-day workshops, always held at the 8-lathe shop of a club member in Purcellville, VA. They are often scheduled in conjunction with the turner's visit to the area to demonstrate at the monthly meeting of one or more of the local area clubs. These workshops provide unique opportunities for our members to learn from some of the very best turners in America and abroad. Professional Workshops are announced via our member and non-member email list and entered on our Event Calendar as soon as details are in place. Student openings are filled on a first-come, first-served basis after open registration is announced. Workshops participants must be members of MMWTC.

Turning a Plate at Lathe